Mini LNG

Mini and small scale liquefaction plants progressively become an interesting complement to large scale LNG infrastructure. This technology allows us to explore more new small and stranded gas reserves. Mini LNG also enjoys advantages in addressing off-grid power generation for industrial and residential needs in remote locations. Since gas is considered as the cleanest carbon-based fuel, so it is predicted that market for LNG will grow bigger.
Indonesia has unique market for Natural Gas, there are many small industrial estates across the country. Small demand and scattered area make it uneconomical to develop integrated gas pipeline infrastructure. To serve this market, LNG plays important role and become important energy source.
Mini and Micro LNG enable KPMOG to serve small and scattered industrial estate in Indonesia. We have vision to liquefy the Natural Gas and bring it to the customers, replacing conventional filthy expensive energy to clean and cheaper energy.

The replacement of liquid fossil fuels, such as HFO, MDO and diesel, contributes positively to the environment, with emissions of NOx, SOx, and particulates being almost entirely eliminated and CO2 emissions being notably reduced. By liquefying natural gas the volume is reduced by a factor of around 600. This enables efficient transport to end-users overseas, as well as on land where pipelines are not a suitable sustainable solution.


We can provide the necessary equipment of Mini and Micro LNG to assist you in optimizing your natural gas production for you to be able to progressively reach the desired target. We have a solid team of operations and highly professional management team, which are capable to support you with a suitable sustainable solution.


We have trustworthy principals that collaborate with us in providing the reliable Mini and Micro LNG equipment. Reliable engineering and project management team will support you in analysing your needs and assist you in choosing the suitable equipment. Therefore, you will have the capability to fulfill the increasing demands of the market.

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